Friday, September 30, 2016

Autumn Rush

A brief mid-afternoon respite from rain showers finds me on the banks of the Haw. Two days of downpours fill the river channel. The tawny waters strain banks and threaten breaches. The calm between storms is short-lived. Soon thunder echoes across the riparian ecosystem and ominous clouds move in. First rain drops splatter on autumn foliage in complementary rhythms to the rush of river waters. I retreat to shelter in my horseless carriage minutes before the skies unleash a deluge. 

© Ilija Lukić 2016

Autumn Rush

September Farewell

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Autumn Song

While spring abides faint remembrance
And summer greenery fades cheerfully,
Autumn song bears cornucopia of hope
In furtherance of spirit for winter slumber.

 © Ilija Lukić 2016

Autumn Song
(Haw River near Bynum, North Carolina)
Haw River Lullaby

Friday, September 9, 2016

Awesome Wonder

Rapt, I cast eyes upon celestial sphere,
Fine cricket song fills late-summer night,
Half Moon hangs akin bright chandelier
Even as city lights pale canopy of starlight.

My heart celebrates in awesome wonder
And my soul soars in reverent adoration.
The universe resounds with starlit praise
Oh, my Lord God, how great Thou art!

© Ilija Lukić 2016
Celestial Sphere