Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fall Melodies

Summer takes leave as fall gains dominion,
Yes, once a year these old friends compete
Amid cherished heyday of mutual admiration
Among vast woodland and paved city street.

Neither boasts, instead each resounds airily
With plainsong of joy in colors most sublime,
Until melodies become memories of serenity
Composed upon never-ending pages of time.

© Ilija Lukić 2017
Fall Melodies
(Mary Hayes Park, Pittsboro NC USA)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wisdom Of The Wood

Every tree embodies timely verses of poetry,
Every trunk holds aloft sage insights, behold,
How every wink of sunlight amid said artistry
Opens one elusive portal to wisdom untold.

© Ilija Lukić 2017
Wisdom Of The Wood
(Riparian woodlands at Lake Jordan, North Carolina USA)

Monday, October 23, 2017

Harmonious Chaos

Autumn arrives shrouded in mists and drizzle. The only drawback to exhilarating hikes on wooded trails are the threads of spider silk that span the passage. My canine companion Cooper couldn't care less. While I enjoy nature's artistry he chases squirrels and crows and inspects decaying tree skeletons, casualties of summer storms. Sixty-degree temperatures and lively breezes whisper songs of autumn, tussle pine tops and raise pleasant woodland aromas off spent summer splendor now carpeting the forest floor. By nightfall forces at work in windblown pine straw cast across city sidewalks intrude upon starlit skies and spawn tornado warnings across the Piedmont Plateau and eastward.

© Ilija Lukić 2017
Woodland Scout
(Cooper in Mary Holmes Park near Pittsboro NC USA)
Harmonious Chaos

Monday, October 2, 2017

Life Well-Lived

Lean into the age-old mysteries called life,
Let turmoil test your mettle unconstrained,
Then notice how life well-lived is balance--
An artful juggling of satisfaction and regret.

© Ilija Lukić 2017

Rockbound Reverie
Wishful Thinking