Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Serendipitous Perfection

Chaos is the lifeblood of creativity.
Do not fear its assault on senses.
Appreciate its kaleidoscope of disarray

For it lays bare the essence of the universe.

Embrace chaos as a tool of spirituality.
Uncover harmony veiled in its aftermath.
In temporal things felt, seen or perceived,
Let upheaval heighten clarity of purpose.

Befriend chaos it inspires contemplation,
Which brings to light keen readings of reality.
Then, with weighty prose or artful imagery
Harness its power in moments of perfection

© Ilija Lukić 2019

Felicitous Kiss
A well-chosen spot for an affectionate expression of love. The kiss briefly suspends ravages of time and weather on the Old Highway 15 concrete span across the Haw River near Bynum NC 
Sissipawhaw River Serpent
Oral traditions of people once indigenous to North Carolina woodlands cherish legends of Uktena, a dragon-like horned serpent.

Auspicious Moonrise
Ripped from its mundane, albeit functional existence during the tumult of floodwaters wrought by Hurricane Florence, this culvert is an artful reminder of triumph over chaos.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Lunar Eclipse

At midnight on January 21, 2019, the awaited lunar eclipse adds an aura of mystery and awesome wonder to starlit skies over Pittsboro NC. Roughly fifty minutes after Earth's shadow veils the Moon's brilliant countenance a peripheral crescent of light signals rebirth of the heavenly body. Night air in the mid-twenties cuts short enjoyment of primeval moods. Later tonight arctic airs in the teens will slide chill factors into single digits.

© Ilija Lukić 2019

Lunar Eclipse 2019
(Over Powell Place in Pittsboro, North Carolina USA)