With bated breath from my armchair
I watched a snowflake dance on air,
From here to there, without a care—
Sublime, yet bold like trumpet blare.
Ere long mind’s eye scans a sea of grass,
Flat-topped mesas, playas en masse,
Where hawks soar high above bear grass
And the Spirit of truth comes to pass.
Does breath of life teem with stardust?
Why am I here…what’s my life’s thrust?
How should I live…as not to rust?
Should I succumb to wanderlust?
Like swift fox stalking on the sly,
While lark exalts timeless blue sky.
Where boundless plain endures bone dry,
Till monsoon rain halts hue and cry.
There sandhill cranes roost in salt lakes,
Mid bison grunts chase ducks and drakes.
While pronghorn graze mid thorns and snakes,
Coyotes prowl in Caprock Breaks.
Be still my soul, enjoy said flight
Especially on starlit night,
When crescent Moon bathed in earthlight
Slows wheel of time—oh, sheer delight.
© Ilija Lukić 2025
Circle Of Life
American bison on Llano Estacado north of Clovis NM