Sunday, March 2, 2025

Virgin Mary And Christ Icon

I am a lifelong artist and have a deep, abiding interest in classic Byzantine icons—their beauty and power as windows into Heaven and channels of divine grace.

In the early 1960s our family resettled in California. Within the next year or two, at age 16, I painted this icon—emulating the Byzantine style.The Mother of God looks out at us and gestures with her hand towards Jesus, guiding our attention to Him, as the Way and the Light.

Photo of my painting (c. 1963)
The Virgin Mary and Christ..the Savior of our souls

Courage Reborn

When heart brims with joy,

Each beat wakes strong emotions—

Passion fuels courage.

© Ilija Lukić 2025

Courage Unchained
Oriental bittersweet vines in woodlands north of Pittsboro NC