Saturday, July 4, 2020

God Bless America - Independence Day 2020

In the 1980s and 90s during the darkest days of the Cold War, I served more than a decade in Belgium and Germany on the front lines in our determined stand against the scourges of Communism, Fascism and promotion of worldwide anarchy by our adversaries. These days our country faces the same darkness once more...this time from within.

While serving in distant lands ever mindful of local cultures, we gathered encouragement from standing shoulder to shoulder as Americans in heart and soul. We opened gatherings, whether formal military function or social event with a prayer, our National Anthem and often the song "God Bless The USA." Time has not erased the emotions that welled within each such assemblage, as we stood united in preserving the ideals of our founding as a Nation, side-by-side, hand-in-hand regardless of race, creed or social background.

This year illuminations from one end of our country to the other marked our Independence Day. My favorite were the fireworks over Mt Rushmore National Monument.

Authorities in many states limited or cancelled public gatherings, celebrations and fireworks. However, our indomitable American spirit of patriotism was not muted as citizens celebrated and then lighted night skies above cities, villages, even single-family farm and ranch homes with personal fireworks. I'm proud to be an American!

I enjoy traditional Fourth of July festivities and take time to listen to the song "God Bless The USA" written by Lee Greenwood in 1984. Irresistibly the lyrics inspire hopes and prayers that we as a people set the spark of unity which stirred so long ago ablaze once more. God Bless America!

© Ilija Lukić 2020

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