Thursday, May 2, 2024

Despair Foiled

Human heart despairs,

When tides of time test patience—

Let soul point the way.

© Ilija Lukić 2024

Jordan Lake lies in a Triassic era rift basin and its shoreline shows distinct features of Hyco Formation bedrock. It's of volcanic and sedimentary origins.

Some 600-million years ago much of Central North Carolina, parts of Georgia and a small part of Virginia were an arc of volcanic islands. Now known as the Carolinia Terrane, this island arc was near to or a part of ancestral South America and African Gondwana continents before drifting into the North America tectonic plate. This collision, some 300-million years ago, pushed up and formed the Appalachian Mountains to our west.

Timeworn Serenity
Ebenezer Church Point on Jordan Lake NC

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