Saturday, January 28, 2023

Spring Harbingers

It’s late afternoon. I amble down woodland trails in search of primal quietude. Eager beams of mid-winter sunlight pick their way through colonnades of hardwood trees and bare canopies. A feeling of serenity takes hold. I pause briefly when the percussive hammering of a woodpecker breaks the silence. Out of curiosity and because it’s my first such encounter of the year, I scan the woods in the direction of the sound—but to no avail.

At that moment a golden oak leaf catches my eye as it sails through the corridor of trees intent on joining its fallen brethren on the forest floor, where Wild Onion sprouts invite picking and a tasty nibble. I rub several stalks between fingers and enjoy a whiff of the tell-tale aroma. Further down the trail I feast eyes on and give half-hearted chase to a flock of nomadic robins foraging enthusiastically in a sunlit field.

My winter-weary heart welcomes such harbingers of spring, albeit mindful that Old Man Winter has not run his course.

© Ilija Lukić 2023

Fallen Brethren

Wild About Spring
(Wild Onion aka allium canadense)

1 comment:

  1. This is the first piece I'm reading of your blogs and it's giving me the first peace of my mind in a long while. My breathing grew deeper with each sentence I read. Thank you for sharing a part of your world.
